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League Websites made easy!
SportsHeadz created league websites to allow connectivity between associations within a league.
SportsHeadz WEB for Leagues
is an integrated custom CMS (content management system) with the #1 scheduling tool in Canada. Combined with brand new Responsive Website Designs and features your league needs to created a connected environment between associations. Time is valuable, and we want to make sure you are able to focus on the important things within your league!
✓ #1 Online Scheduling Tool in Canada
✓ Custom Banners
✓ Responsive Web Designs
✓ Social Media Integration
✓ Stats and Standings
✓ Email Services
✓ Custom Score Ticker
✓ Game Officials Module
Our website services offer a reliable and secure platform for league associations to communicate with each other. By providing a centralized hub for league communications, your website can help streamline communication between associations, ensuring that everyone is on the same page.
Associations within the league can work collaboratively on league initiatives, such as fundraising efforts, event planning, and more. Our website's user-friendly interface and collaborative tools make it easy for associations to work together to achieve their goals.
By providing a website that is tailored to the unique needs of your league, you can increase engagement among your association members. Your website can serve as a hub for important league news and updates, as well as a platform for members to connect with each other and share ideas.
Our website services can help your league associations better manage and organize their data. This includes everything from membership information to financial records. By centralizing this data on your website, associations can more easily track their progress towards their goals and identify areas for improvement.
Our Services are fully customizable, meaning that you can tailor your website to meet the unique needs of your league. This includes everything from custom branding to specialized functionality that meets the specific needs of your league's associations. With a fully customizable website, you can ensure that your league's website is tailored to the needs of your members and helps facilitate connectivity between associations within the league.
Scheduling tool in North America!
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